Our ministries are the heart and soul of our congregation; they’re where the work gets done. In each of the ministries you’ll find dedicated members using their talents, time, and energy to serve God by helping others.
Some ministries are very visible, and others work behind the scenes. All are important to helping the church do God’s business in our community.
Click on the ministry name to display some information about a few of our ministries. For more information about our ministries, please send an email to
Those who serve in this ministry are dedicated to providing high quality Bible classes for our adult members. We offer a balance of textual, historical, and practical classes which are designed to help us grow toward maturity in the Lord and be better equipped as his servants in the world.
Those who serve in the Children’s Ministry teach classes for the different age groups (some at the 9:00 Bible Class time and some during the sermon time), provide babysitting for different events, and help the kids prepare a performance piece for our Easter and Christmas worship services. They also help put on our Children’s Emphasis Sunday each August where the kids take on all the roles during the worship service. This ministry also puts on a “Trunk or Treat” event each year on Halloween night in the church parking lot for all the kids in nearby neighborhoods. As this ministry grows, we would like to plan more kid-centered activities and include children in the surrounding community.
The Benevolence Ministry’s primary activity is to provide annual holiday food baskets to needy families in our area at Thanksgiving time. However, we also provide the occasional night’s lodging , tank of gas, bus ticket, or meal to people who are traveling or need emergency assistance. We are currently looking for people with a heart of mercy for the needs of people and the discernment to know when and how to help best.
In addition to family fun days, we engage in family service projects throughout the year, offer parenting classes and marriage classes periodically, and conduct a family retreat over the Memorial Day weekend. We are always seeking creative and practical ways to draw families together and empower them to live for God.
Building and
This ministry is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the building and grounds so that the church can be a safe, pleasing place to worship and fellowship. We do gardening, plan improvements, and fix things when they break. There is no shortage of things that need to be done.
The greeting ministry serves to warmly welcome each person who comes to worship and ensure that each has a church bulletin. Guests are given special attention to ensure that they have a positive first experience with our congregation. The Greeting Ministry strives to promote a “family feeling” of care, attention and encouragement to all who come in our doors.
This ministry makes it a special point to maintain personal contact with guests who visit our church. We do so with the aim of welcoming them into our congregation. Members of our ministry distribute welcome packets on Sunday morning, visit first-time visitors at their home, place phone calls to keep in touch, and host dinners for guests who may want to make our congregation their church home.
The Outreach Ministry is committed to meeting needs in our surrounding community and reaching people for Christ. We plan, coordinate, and execute service projects and evangelism efforts that involve the entire congregation. Our goal is to become a visible, positive presence in our community, and draw more and more people into relationship with Christ.
The Praise Team is a group of gifted singers who lead our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings. Those interested in joining this ministry must be able to sing well and be willing to commit themselves to monthly practices as scheduled. We are a group of people who are passionate about praising God!
The members of the Prayer Ministry are dedicated to prayer and to encouraging prayer in our church family. We visit people to pray with them, pray over weekly needs and requests, plan congregational prayer services and vigils, and seek creative ways to express our praise, thanks and needs to the Lord.
Papua​ New Guinea
Woody and Judy Square (former missionaries to PNG) lead a small group every 3 years to the country of Papua New Guinea for a month-long summer mission trip. The group travels to different congregations throughout the country (some in towns, some in villages) and ministers through song, drama, classes, and special events. The San Leandro congregation hosts fund-raisers periodically to help raise the resources needed to send the group to PNG.
The service ministry helps the members of the church to set up, coordinate food and decorations, and clean up for special events — potlucks, weddings, funerals, etc. Those involved help coordinate communion preparation and Sunday Bible Class refreshments on a weekly basis. The ministry also keeps the church kitchen stocked with paper goods and basic supplies.
The Technology Ministry provides for the audio-visual and computer needs of the ministries in our congregation. Those who serve in this way create slides, run the projector, and operate sound for worship services and Bible classes, and maintain the computer systems and network in the church building. Oh yeah, they also run the church website and are incredibly handsome.
The Worship Planning Ministry is dedicated to developing thoughtful and moving worship services for our church. We meet regularly to select songs, scripture readings, and plan other elements of both weekly services and special events. If you think creatively about encountering God in worship, we would love to have your help.
The youth ministry runs classes, special fun events, and a weekly small group gathering for our teenagers and young adults. A highlight is our yearly youth retreat out in the country at our church retreat property where we focus on relationship skills. Our yearly Trivial Pursuit Night event raises the funds to send our youth to serve at a week-long camp for disadvantaged kids in June in the Santa Cruz mountains. Our young people help serve meals at a local women’s shelter and periodically distribute food and clothing to the homeless in the Oakland area.